Accueil du site > Régions > Rue libre ! à l’international > Zakynthos, Grèce

Zakynthos, Grèce

Pour la première fois, l’île de Zakynthos célèbre « Mera Dromou/Rue Libre ! ».

Lis Nobre /Ambrosia Theatre
Street Theatre and Clown
Tout public / Jauge : de 50 à 100
30/10/2010 / from 17-22h
Solomou Square,Zakynthos
Solomou and San Marco Square.Zakynthos - Zakynthos

For the first time in Zakynthos, the most international show of the island : VITA INTENSA ! with LIS NOBRE(Brasil) .A clown solo for children from 0-200 years old ! This performance will happen as part of the local action to celebrate and support the international event Rue Libre Mera Dromou !October 30th, on Solomou Square.19:30h

Vita Intensa Nanika is desperate ! The public grows impatient ! The whole troupe was hired by Mr. Leo ´s Circus. In addition she was fired ! Seen her alone the “piccola” Nanica “grows” and becomes full of courage throwing herself in the arena ! The public is called to interact with her as she throws a good/bad humored and feminine look over a “hard world”, an “intense life” and life generosity.

Lis Nobre Brazilian from Amazonas. Graduate in Social Communication in Brazil and in Theatre with Eugenio Barba (Odin Teatre-Denmark), Claudio La Câmera (Teatro Proskenion-Italy), Norberto Presta (Italy), Air Acrobacy with Intrépida Trupe and Circo Minimo Group (Brazil) and Clown with Leris Colombaioni (Italy), Gardi Hutter (Switzerland), Hillary Chaplain and Moshe Cohen (USA), Cristina Marti (Argentin), Marcio Libar and Ricardo Pucetti (Lume Brazil) and others. Is a member of the Coletivo de Palhaços group and of the Brazilian Street theatre network. She acted in several clowns shows, theatre festivals and meeting all over the world. Is professor since 2001 in Clown, Energetical Training and Aerial Acrobacy in South America and Europe. With her shows had visited more than 11 countries in Europe and South America. Actually lives in Greece researching and working for Theatre.

Le collectif :

Lis Nobre Thanasis Spinos Nikos Xenos

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  • Lisbonne, Portugal - Le TGV, Théâtre à Grande Vitesse, s’installe à la gare de Lisbonne durant toute la journée du 30 octobre.
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